Thursday, September 26, 2013

09.27.13 — Change One Letter

Lady Godiva by John Collier, c. 1897


Friday, September 27, 2013

Puzzle by Peter A. Collins / Edited by Will Shortz

Across — 1. Begin, GERMINATE; 10. Donizetti heroine, LUCIA; 15. Catches up to, OVERTAKES; 15. Magnetron component, ANODE; 17. Relative of a spouse, DOMESTIC PARTNER; 19. “Just playin’”, I KID; 20. Things often dropped in Harvard Yard?, ARS; 21. Bigname in winter vehicles, SKI-DOO; 22. Fixer, perhaps, VET; 23. In the way of, À LA; 24. Phony blazers, GAS LOGS; 25. Birthplace of the Franciscan order, ASSISI; 27. “Before My Birth” collagist, 1914, ARP; 28. FRO-yo (cold treat, briefly); 29. With 36- and 39-Across, go from 1- to 61-Across, CHANGE; 31. 10-year-old Best Supporting Actress, O’NEAL; 33. Robert W. Service’s “The Cremation of Sam MCGEE; 36. See 29-Across, ONE; 37. Robert W. Service output, POEMS; 38. Soothing flora, ALOES; 39. See 29-Across, LETTER; 41. Bumped into, MET; 42. Bumped into, SAW; 43. Razor target, maybe, ARMPIT; 47. Pack into a thick mass, MAT DOWN; 50. Ottoman bigwig, AGA; 51. Tan in a library, AMY; 52. Anatomical ring, AREOLA; 53. Direction de Paris à Nancy, EST; 54. Vegan gelatin substitute, AGAR; 55. Stopgap supervisor’s duty, MIND THE STORE; 58. INIGO Montoya, swordsman in “The Princess Bride”; 59. Prefixes featured on some maps, AREA CODES; 59. AGNES Baden-Powell of the Girl Guides; 51. End, TERMINATE.

Down — 1. One known for riding out of gear?, GODIVA; 2. Brings out, EVOKES; 3. Sends in, REMITS; 4. Hell “talk ‘til his voice is hoarse”, MR ED; 5. The Who’s “IT’S Hard”; 6. NATALIA Romanova, alter ego of Marvel’s Black Widow; 7. Landmark anime film of 1988, AKIRA; 8. Many pulp heroes, in slang, TECS; 9. Picking up skill?, ESP; 10. Cheerful early risers, LARKS; 11. Preposition on a business-hours sign, UNTIL; 12. Unit charge, CONDO FEE; 13. “&” or “@,” but not “and” or “at”, IDEOGRAM; 14. Restricted flight items, AEROSOLS; 18. By yesterday, so to speak, ASAP; 23. Indication of some oxidation, ASHES; 24. Hug or kiss, maybe, GREET; 26. Drink brand symbolized by a polar bear, ICEE; 27. 39th vice president, AGNEW; 30. “The Dark Knight Rises” director, 2012, NOLAN; 31. Grammy category, OPERA; 32. What’s typical, NORM; 33. “Lordy!” in Lodi, MAMMA MIA; 34. Snow job?, CLEARING; 35. Been chosen, as for office, GOTTEN IN; 40. One-two in the ring?, TAG TEAM; 42. Pavlova portrayed one over 4,000 times, SWAN; 44. Storied place of worship, PAGODA; 45. Eastern lodging, IMARET; 46. “2 Fast 2 Furious” co-star TYRESE Gibson; 48. Grand Caravan maker, DODGE; 49.Jumbles, OLIOS; 50. One of Jacob’s sons, ASHER; 53. Ser, across the Pyrenees, ETRE; 54. Loads, A TON; 56. Piece of the street, GAT; 57. SCI-fi.


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Puzzle available on the internet at

THE NEW YORK TIMES — Crossword Puzzles and Games.

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